Mena (2024) & YouTube Resources

In this article, Mike presents a semiotic approach to understanding race, via indexicality. Mike offers a theoretical lens called '“semiotic whitening”.

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Article Read-Along

Mike’s Re-Along Podcast - In this video, the “Semiotic Whitening” article is read in its entirety (with bonus material that did not make the final publication).

Mena (2023) & YouTube Resources

In this article, Mike works to build on “linguistic terrorism” theory and how such moments and processes often appear “softer” in more recent times.

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Full Article Breakdown

Mike walks viewers through most difficult theoretical sections, focusing on nuance. (not an overview/summary).

Article Read-Along

Mike’s Re-Along Podcast - In this video, the “Soft Linguistic Terrorism” article is read in its entirety (with bonus material that did not make the final publication).

Mena (2022)

Mike’s contribution to this edited volume (2022) is a chapter that deepens the theoretical scope of “the language-elsewhere” originally presented in Mena & Garcia (2020).

Chapter 5: A Language-elsewhere: A Friendlier Linguistic Terrorism

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Mena & García (2020) & YouTube Resources


Mike is developing two semiotic approaches to race and language:

  1. converse racialization & un/marking

  2. the language-elsewhere

These approaches were first introduced in Mena & García, 2020.

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two semiotic approaches | two video explanations


Keywords Covered: ‘converse racialization’ & ‘un/marking’ (2020)


Keyword Covered: ‘the language-elsewhere’ (2020)